Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Few More Episodes (c)

1. Part I: Jenny is finally given a chance to put her Masters degree to work at the office when she is ordered to go through a ten page document line by line and change the spacing after each numbered item from a tab to two spaces. Then, when this does not create the desired effect, Jenny once again uses her advanced education to change the two spaces to three spaces. Wacky hi-jinks do not ensue on any level. To be continued. (c)

2. Jenny comes in early and works very hard to get important documents ready for proofing by noon on Friday before three day weekend. Maybe they will finish the work up early and go home before 5! Instead, Jenny's boss talks on the phone all afternoon with friends and doesn't start proofing documents until 4:45. Jenny leaves work at 5:35 and promptly misses bus. Here, as well, wacky hi-jinks do not ensue. (c)

3. "Caffeine Crazy"

Buoyed by her newfound dislike of her new job, Jenny finally buckles down and writes query letter and novel outline. While doing so, she ingests an entire pot of coffee. Wacky hi-jinks ensue. (c)


Cameron said...

I am glad you started thinking sense with the copyright. However, there seems to be a marked lessening in the ever so popular wacky high jinks in recent episodes. This is a matter of concern.

Jenny Drai said...

Wacky hi-jinks can be over-rated. Personally, I think you have to have a balance. Otherwise, you just have Men Behaving Badly or something really awful. I mean, who says that sitcoms can't be art? (c)