Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Top O' The Morning To You

I don't know what it is that makes certain individuals take a perfectly good morning and shoot it up like it's the wild, wild west. One of these days I will figure it out and I will be sure to secure myself safely in my panic room when said events are most likely to occur. As for today, I was standing in the living room just enjoying the sunlight and my coffee pretty coincidentally standing quite close to the front windows wondering if maybe I should lie down on the floor until that rapid succession of popping noises finally stopped. The thing is though, I live on 54th street and I am pretty sure those noises were coming from the direction of 52nd street which is a whole other affair. 54th street is a magical place where groups of friendly children roam the streets practicing self-choreographed dance routines and adopting stray cats. I am not sure what noise is going on over on 52nd street, but they had better keep it there. Or stop altogether. Nobody wants bullet holes in their bathrobes. Thank you.


. said...

the asian harvey milk

Cameron said...
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Cameron said...

I wonder if these flimsy alibis to your shooting sprees will hold up in court. I thought I had seen blogs used for everything, but this is pretty creative: "You see judge, I couldn't have been the one who put Lil' Mackie Mac in the beyond, it says right here on my blog that I heard the shots from my living room."
You better put that weapon down the deepest hole you can find, because I think the man is coming for you. And soon.